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Glass jar

The glass jar is useful for storing ingredients in the pantry and is indispensable for preparations such as jams and sourdough.

Glass jar

The glass jar is a very common kitchen tool in the pantry, but at the same time not to be underestimated: it allows you to store and keep aside all kinds of ingredients, from jams to dry ingredients such as pasta, spices, seeds and flavourings, and it is also functional for the preparation of yeasts as in the case of sourdough starter, which needs to rest in large glass jars to accommodate the growth of the compound itself.

This accessory may or may not have a rubber gasket, as an ideal hermetic seal to isolate it and prevent the entry of air into it, and comes in various sizes depending on the function for which it is required. It can also serve as a decoration or as an alternative glass in the case of cocktails and fresh drinks.

You can get a glass jar specifically depending on the function for which you need it, or, especially in the case of jars for storing ingredients, you can reuse any jar previously containing jams or ready-made sauces.