
Oranges are a type of citrus fruit. Their juice is sweet and delicious while the zest is fragrant and aromatic.


Oranges are a bright orange coloured citrus fruit. In cooking and baking the three main part of an orange used are the juice, pulp and zest (peal). Orange has an easily recognisable taste and sent.

Orange juice is the worlds most popular fruit drink. Oranges can be used to flavour meats like chicken and duck, segments can be added to salads to add colour and a bit of sweetness and they have an almost endless list of sweet uses like crêpes Suzette or marmalade.

Orange nutritional benefits

Oranges contain lots of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. However, orange juice’s sugar content is very high.

They have a high vitamin C content which among other things can improve the absorption of iron in the body, strengthen your immune system and could help ease constipation.

Orange juice also has high in calcium and has good amounts of fibre, vitamin A and iron. The peel contains oils and flavonoids, which help prevent diseases like cancer and heart disease. It also contains copper, calcium and magnesium and per 100g of oranges, there are about 47 calories.