Oven gloves

Oven gloves are insulated gloves worn in the kitchen to protect hands from hot objects.

Oven gloves

Oven gloves are designed to protect the wearer when handling hot objects like baking tray and cookware.

they have two main designs singular and double. Singular oven gloves resemble mittens and are usually sold in pairs. Double oven gloves are joined together. This somewhat restricts your movement but the extra material adds more protection and you will never lose one saving you hours of searching time!

Traditional oven gloves are made from fabric like cotton and are insulated to prevent heat from reaching the hand. Newer designs come with a silicone coating which not only protects from heat but makes them water and stain resistant. Some gloves are even made entirely from silicone.

Not only do they have a practical use in the kitchen but the can also be a thing of beauty. They come in a wide range of colours and materials. Some shops will even personalise them for you.