Milk chocolate

Milk chocolate is much sweeter and lighter than dark chocolate. It can be used to make a wide range of different desserts like brownies or chocolate buttercream icing.

Milk chocolate

Milk chocolate is usually made by adding milk powder or condensed milk to dark chocolate. The combination of these ingredients make the chocolate softer in texture, sweeter and because of its milk content, it melts faster. Milk chocolate is generally sweeter, lighter and less bitter than dark chocolate. It can be eaten on its own or used in desserts and baked goods. It’s common in recipes such as; brownies, mousses, cakes, rocky road and truffles!

You can also find vegan milk chocolate, which is made by substituting the dairy products for non-dairy alternatives like coconut oil and coconut milk.

Milk chocolate nutritional information

Chocolate contains flavonoids which research suggests may help protect against some kinds of cancers. However, as milk chocolate contains less cocoa so it contains fewer flavonoids which means fewer benefits. We suggest opting for dark chocolate of 70% of cocoa or more! Dark chocolate is also lower in fat and contains antioxidants.

Chocolate can also be good for you in other ways. Eating it can stimulate the production of serotonin (a natural anti-depressant) in our brains. It is an anti-inflammatory which can help lower blood pressure. Next time you have a couch, ask someone to pick you up a bar of chocolate. This is because chocolate also contains a chemical called theobromine which has sown to help suppress coughing.

Milk chocolate has a high sugar content of 51.5g per 100g which is over half of your suggested daily sugar intake. A good thing to keep in mind as well is that milk chocolate contains about 535 calories per 100g.

Our favourite ways of using milk chocolate

Who doesn’t love cookies? In our opinion, milk chocolate chip cookies are a perfect treat.
For a slightly more sophisticated option try a milk chocolate tart. The tart is made up of two elements, the shortcrust pastry and the wonderful chocolaty ganache filling. The filling is made up a delicious mix of milk chocolate, single cream, milk and eggs. This dessert is surprisingly simple to make but super impressive!

As it melts quickly milk chocolate is great for tempering. Tempering chocolate is done by heating small chunks of chocolate in a Bain Marie (a bowl placed on top of a pot of simmering water). This beautiful chocolate sauce ensures the chocolate is smooth and glossy when dries.