
Turmeric is an Indian spice with a distinctive bright golden-orange colour and an earthy, aromatic taste.


Turmeric is a spice made from the root of the Curcuma longa plant and it has been a staple of Indian cooking for thousands of years. Used in drinks, curry, as a seasoning for rice, meat and vegetables, sauces, soups and it can also be used in baking.

It can be used fresh but it is most commonly dried and ground into a powder. Fresh turmeric looks similar to fresh ginger, its skin is stripped and is very easily peeled. Fresh turmeric tends to have a stronger flavour and it great in smoothies, juices or even shots! It has a distinctive bright golden-orange colour and an earthy, slightly peppery taste.

You can buy powdered turmeric in most supermarkets in the spice section. Fresh turmeric is less common but can be found in larger supermarkets or world food shops.

Golden milk

(also called turmeric milk or turmeric latte) is an Indian drink that has become super popular in Western cultures in recent years.

It’s the combination of milk (or any non-dairy milk alternative), turmeric, ginger, black pepper, ghee (or coconut oil) and a bit of honey for sweetness. Remember don’t skip the black pepper as it helps your body to absorb the benefits of the turmeric).

Tumeric Nutritional Information

There has been a lot of buzz about turmeric in recent years about its amazing health benefits and medical qualities and for once its all true! So what turmeric is good for?

Turmeric contains compounds called curcuminoids. Curcumin is one of these compounds and it is the main active ingredient in turmeric. It is an anti-inflammatory and a powerful antioxidant. However, curcumin of turmeric is quite low, so some people take tablets or capsules Instead of incorporating it into their diet.

Another thing about curcumin is that the body doesn’t absorb it well. A way to combat this is to consume it with black pepper! Black pepper increases the absorption of curcumin by two thousand per cent!

Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, turmeric can be as effective as some drugs! It reduced swelling in the body which can prevent diseases such as cancer and diabetes. It can also be used to treat things like joint pain and arthritis withought any side effects.

Antioxidants help your body fight free radicals in the body. Free radicals can cause damage to parts of cells such as proteins, DNA, and cell membranes. Cell damage can lead to a cell death which may lead to diseases.

Tumeric also has anti-bacterial properties that can be beneficial to the skin and reduce acne.