Vegetable stock

The vegetable broth is obtained from boiling carrots, celery, onions and other vegetables and is used to cook risotto, stuffed pasta and meat.

Vegetable stock, broth

Vegetable stock is the basis of most of the most common traditional recipes: it is obtained by simmering vegetables such as celery, onion, carrots and tomatoes for a few hours and then filtering it in order to obtain a dense, opaque yellow broth, perfect for cooking risotto and fresh homemade pasta or to enrich soups, velvety and basic recipes such as pasta and soups. The vegetable stock made with the stock cube is very different from the homemade vegetable stock: the first can be found at the supermarket, while the second follows the rules of tradition and allows not only to recover vegetable and leftover scraps but also to consume a genuine product. In addition, if you have too much available, you can not only keep it in the refrigerator after preparation but also freeze it in cubes (pour it into the ice moulds) and use it if necessary.

Nutritional values ​​of vegetable stock

Unlike meat broths, the caloric content of vegetable stock is extremely low. 100 ml of vegetable broth contain only 6 calories, making it also light and easily digestible ingredient, so much so that it is often used for weaning babies as the first alternative food to milk.