Cooking thermometer

Cooking thermometers are used to measure the internal temperature of food.

Cooking thermometers are used to measure the internal temperature of food. It’s especially useful when cooking meat like steaks and roasts. It is a good way to determine if something is done cooking.

They are mostly used to check the temperature of meat but they are also really useful with baked goods.

Temperatures of doneness

Poultry – insert the probe into the thigh, making sure it does not touch the bone. It should be 74 °C when done. If the bird is stuffed the stuffing should be 74 °C

Beef, lamb, and veal – insert the probe into the centre, making sure it does not touch the bone if there are any.
Rare – 50 to 55°C
Medium-rare – 63°C
Well done – 77°C

Pork – Insert the probe into the centre, making sure it does not touch the bone if there are any. The internal temperature should be 71°C

Ground meat – Insert the probe into the centre and the temperature should read 71°C for red meat like beef, lamb, veal, and pork.

Seafood – Fish should reach the internal temperature of 70°C while shellfish should reach 74 °C